Monday, October 12, 2009

Life is too Short to be Ordinary

Life’s too short to be Ordinary

We have often heard the phrases “Never give up” “You can do it”, but ladies and gentlemen, how often do we actually take it to heart.
The moment we hear these phrases, we find ourselves highly motivated, believing we can even reach out for the stars.

Such a highly motivated man is Indian mountain climber Ram Chandran, who has scaled the Mount Everest thrice.
One of the deadliest challenges for a mountain climber is, fighting frost bite. An ordinary person, who catches frost bite during the climb, has 2 options – One to turn back and descend downwards. Two- Chip off the frozen body part and continue the expedition. Ram Chandran on two occasions had to chip of his fingers in order to scale the summits of Mt. Everest. He now has 7 fingers.
The second challenge for a mountaineer while scaling great heights, is that he has to encounter protruding rocks that lie on his path. He has 2 options – go around it , which is easier but very likely to get lost. Or go over it, which takes tremendous amount of his much needed energy.
With only 7 fingers, and a huge heart filled with determination, he plans another impossible feat.

We are ordinary people, but what makes us special, is the fact , when we realize that “OUR LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE ORDINARY” Was Ram Chandran Crazy ??? Out of his mind??? U CHOOSE

Mountaineering is a sport as well as an art that teaches us so many lessons in life about persistence, perseverance and doing the extraordinary.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Communication Revolution

Of the sweet and subtle things in life that people of all ages aspire to is the gift of communication.

The word communication comes from the root word “communicare” which we means to make common, to share in common with. We can also trace the similarities between the words communicate and commune, communion and community all of which infer the realization of some type of union, intimate fellowship and rapport.

Communication is the fire that purifies or refurbishes all relationships in the world. It is believed that it is not just living beings who communicate but natural beings such as stars , moon and sun also communicate with one another , for everything around us was created by a word! When we comprehend the moon and planets revolving in their respective orbits, do we ever stop to wonder why two planets never collide?? It is because of the strict levels of communication channelled distinctively that each heavenly body has with one another that prevent a collision. If it is so vital for natural beings to communicate, for preventing a natural dispensable chaos to promote harmony, then how much more indispensable is this to living beings like us.

When we look into the eyes of newlyweds, expecting their first child, we see the joy that it brings to their heart. But greater joy is when the small child learns to say "DAD or MOM" .The parents feel elated, on top of the world -they become ecstatic.

Consider a scene where you wanted to speak to a person you secretly love, but afraid to encounter the person for the blatant fear of communication. And you stand there, wishing you could express your heart so bluntly wishing in fact that you could share or exchange thoughts for the purpose of interaction.

Embarking on a journey into the world of communication is one of life's most fascinating journeys. The journey is filled with mire, thick bushes, sharp thorns and thistles. But once said and done it provides a person with sheer happiness.

One of the important journeys in the world of communication that shaped the history of the most industrialized country in the world - USA, was the Gettysburg Address delivered by the late President Abraham Lincoln, which is considered as one of the greatest speeches in the history of mankind. It was interesting to note that Abraham Lincoln was a person like any other. Born in poor circumstances, worked hard to be a congressman , got elected and became a shining beacon of every American soldier who did not find hope in fighting the American Civil War.

Communication sparked various defining moments in history - The Renaissance , The Protestant Reformation , The Concepts of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity , Declaration of Human Rights ,The Death of Apartheid et al. These colossal fires started with a shallow flame in the hearts of typical people and kept burning higher and higher as a forest burning when a spark of fire ignites a twig. And all of us know how difficult it is to quench a forest fire!

Communication advocates harmony.Harmony between all things in this world - living and natural.

"What the world needs now are human beings who listen and communicate with each other on deep levels of being for wherever you find a poverty of communication, you will find a poverty of love, and wherever you find a poverty of love you will find a poverty of deep listening"

And as someone remarked above , communication - deep levels of it is what human beings need in this cold and unfriendly world.