Monday, January 11, 2010


“Of time you would make a stream upon whose bank you would sit and watch its flowing,
Yet the timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness,
And knows that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream”

Exclaimed the great poet Khalil Gibran. We live in an age where time is a scarcity, a luxury, a pearl of great price, and one which we would pay anything to get more off. How many of us have thought to ourselves - if only I had not done the things I did or if only I could do the whole thing all over again or if only I could turn back the hands of time – everything would be different !!
Well in life, we are all bound by timelessness, yet all our yesterdays are nothing but today’s memory and all our tomorrows become our dreams today. So as someone said “We are masters of our own reality”

What is today and tomorrow belongs to us, we can alter it. Ask a rocket scientist, who is building a new launch vehicle, to place man on the moon; he would never speak of all the launch vehicles that ended up in huge disasters, but he would tell us that he has today to alter all those mistakes that others have done from which he has learnt.

Life is too short to make mistakes, so learn from other’s mistakes so that we do not waste time making the same old ones. But instead make new ones so that you could help someone else prevent making the same.

Let’s just hypothetically say you could alter time, so that whatever you did you can go back into time and change. How much would you change? Would you change your childhood friends, add a few more friends, cut down on a few friends, your teachers, your results, your upbringing, your culture, your customs, your believes, your tradition. If that were the case then we would spend all our lives “altering” time. Because for man whatever step he takes, he thinks he could have done it differently, he is not satisfied with life.

That’s why life teaches us not to fiddle or fuzz over spilled milk. They make a huge mess, but all you have to do is wipe it clean and forget about it, because one of the theories of milk is that it always spills. Let’s look at life in a whole new perspective, because it’s got lots to offer us and not be worried about how things could be different.

Solomon was considered to be the greatest and wisest man in the world. He was a king who had dominion over huge lands and wealth. It is said he built a temple, which was considered the most beautiful temple in the world. No eye could fathom its splendor; no mind could understand its make, it was more beautiful than Taj Mahal or any modern architectural wonder. He spent an entire eternity building it, carefully articulating every nook and corner of that beautiful temple.
Kings from distant lands would come and see the splendor of this temple and gasp with breathlessness with so much reverence. With all the wisdom in the world and majesty he commanded, he said one day

“What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in His time. He has set eternity in man’s hearts. And I know there is nothing better for men to be happy and to do well to others while man lives. That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all their toil – that is the gift of God!!!

Sadly that magnificent temple was destroyed by the Babylonians.It was rebuilt,but was again destroyed by the Romans. If Solomon were alive, I’m sure he would never have felt “If only I had not made the temple beautiful, others would never have destroyed it”

He lived for the present. He made sure his actions were not regretted. He made men and women happy. He made sure their happiness was shared by all those around them. This is the true essence of life.
Enjoy the gift of life and of time and make each moment count!!
Happy New Year 2010
Jaison James

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