Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Power of Dreams

The room was really dark and very cold, the feisty air from the AC were like frozen icicles brushing my foot. And there in the cold room, I felt I was walking down the in the Multipurpose Hall of my School where more than 2000 students gathered. And as the Principal of the school started naming the students who had distinctions in their exams, one by one student started coming out from their respected lines. They went on the stage where a gold badge was pinned on their shirt, and the whole school gave a thunderous applause to each the students.
Towards the middle of the whole ceremony, I heard a familiar name being called “Jaison James” 85%, and all 4000 eyes stared at me as I went up the stage to receive my gold medal. I was exuberant , I was in the 3rd heavens, floating and glowing like a 100 watt bulb.

At that moment I heard a familiar irritating voice shouting on top of her voice “Jaisoooooooooooooooon GET UP....Schools in 35 min” MOM!!! I haven’t finished dreaming yet !!!

Respected Toastmasters, Ladies and Gentlemen. A Warm Good Evening!!

I am a dreamer, a hardcore dreamer. I have been dreaming since I was in my mother’s womb. I remember my mom telling the most babies in the womb would kick – meaning they would be football players, some would dance- meaning they would be ballet dancers, and rarely some would even punch- meaning they would become boxers. But never could a foetus be so peaceful like me, no sound, no kicks, and no punches. It dreaded my parents so much that they would get my mom’s tummy scanned, just to see if I was there.

So what was I doing there??? Well.
My dear friends, wouldn’t it be wonderful if you were the prince in every fairytale you’ve ever read? Wouldn’t it be charming if you could get to kiss the princess after fighting the dragon?? Wouldn’t you be enthralled if you were the knight in shining armor defending a castle?? Well now you’ all know where I was.

Let me first of all tell all of you to resist everyone who tells you “You don’t live in a Dream world” “There’s no time to dream anymore” “Wake up to reality” etc. You can still dream.
Dreaming is very psychological, it arises out of your subconscious mind, where dreams are stories or life incidents, which happened to you. We spend a lot of time in our lives trying to do what our body does not want to do. And the body in retaliation gives pieces of information or incidents back to our subconscious mind to reprocess it so that the body becomes relaxed.

That is why sometimes we have dreams in which you won an award at Toastmasters International Speech Contest defeating reigning district champion Mr Aaron Watson or sometimes a horrifying monster comes from the cupboard to say hi. Interestingly, we can also alter the course of our dreams, like continue from a romance novel you were just reading, when the original hero dies and you court the woman.
Dreaming is highly recommended. It is an answer to most of life’s problems.
Husbands you can dream that your wife’s are beautiful like the first time you saw her and you wanted her so badly, beneath a thick layer of mascara and Fair n Lovely cream. Wife’s you can dream that your husband’s still look boyish and handsome having a head full of hair and a lean tummy.

Somebody once said you are what you dream. If u have a dream, ladies and gentlemen, please dream it day and night, and you will see the whole universe conspiring to help you fulfill your dream. There are many life incidents of dreamers whose dreams have come true. But the most inspirational one is of a man I read of.
There was a young man, who had a dream-he dreamt of being an Actor- the most successful actor the world has ever seen. He approached a lot of directors for a casting role. Everyone turned him down. The reason – he had a semi paralyzed face and his nose was crooked. Directors shouted in unison “YOU R UGLY” “YOU CANT ACT”.
After all turn down by directors, thoroughly discouraged, he dreamt of being an actor – day after day and night after night.
One night in a dream he thought of a script for a movie, the next day made a screen play and decided to act and direct in his own movie. The movie was successful- and went on to become one of the highest grossing films in the history of Motion Pictures. People received the “UGLY” actor – In fact he was named among the 100 handsome people in the world. The film was called “ROCKY” and the actor is Sylvester Stallone.
My friends, people will call you ugly, they will discourage you, they will despise you, feel jealous of you , tell u ur not good enough – But do you have a dream??? A dream that’s more important to you than anything in the world?? Most people SAY DON’T KEEP DREAMING DO IT. But I say unto you DREAM IT & YOU’LL DO IT!! You are what you dream !!!

Let me take you back to the dream i had in the beginning of the speech. I had this dream in 5th std. And my dream came true in 8th std .It took me 3 yrs to fulfill my dream. I did get a medal and a thunderous applause in front of the whole school. It took me 5 years. What was eerie about the whole thing was, the moment was exactly how I pictured it to be.


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